Access and park map

Access to Parc Oriental

The Parc Oriental is located 12 km southeast of Cholet. When in Cholet, follow the direction of Maulévrier.

icône localisation


Parc Oriental
Place de la Mairie
49360 Maulévrier

icône parking

Car park

Free parking for cars is located close to the park entrance.
Free parking for RVs (around 40 spots) is located close to the park entrance.
A charging point for electric vehicles is nearby (on the Post Office “La Poste” car park).

icône train

By train

Cholet train station
Timetables :

icône bus

By bus

Nantes-Poitiers line, bus stop “Maulévrier”:
2 round trips a day, 3 on Friday and Sunday.

plan acces